We have been organising several conferences, seminars and meetings towards this objective. The latest in this series is the International seminar on "Indian Management for Global Effectiveness: Insights from the Mahabharata" scheduled for 19th and 20th February 2010 in Bangalore.
Swami Bodhananda identified the idea of ‘leadership’ as the major challenge in understanding and forming theories of conceptual and applied dimensions of Indian management in 1988. And true to his astute vision India for the decade that followed saw an increasing number of academic and institutional mechanisms that favoured and nurtured the concept of leadership. The formation of BRF-ML (Bodhananda Research Foundation for Management & Leadership Studies) in 1991 as a research body and its subsequent programs were inspired by Swamiji’s vision for leadership and Indian management.
Close to two decades have passed. And today we have an almost exhaustive framework to understand ‘leadership’ in the context of Indian management.
Over the next 3 years it is planned that we will focus on the 5 major texts of Indian philosophy and culture such as Manusmrti, Panchatantra, Arthasastra, Mahabharata and Ramayana. The attempt will be to evolve the foundational management, psychological and philosophical concepts underlying “Leadership and Conflict Resolution” as represented in these five books that could be considered as the five pillars of Indian management literature. A team is already engaged in writing Sourcebooks for 'leadership' with a narrative style of storytelling based on these texts. Another programme is the national award of a cash prize for the best thesis written on Indian Management, every three years.
In the past two years Bodhananda Research Foundation for Management and Leadership Studies (BRF-ML) has organised a Management in Mahabharata seminar series in Trivandrum and Cochin. For more info see www.sambodh.org/flyer.pdf; www.sambodh.org
The third in this series will be organised in Bangalore.
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